Forex vs. Commodity Trading in Lebanon: Which One is Right for You?

It is known for Lebanese forex and commodity traders to alternate between the two as most of traders prefer to diversify their portfolio. Taking a deeper look into the market forex trading involves buying and selling currencies, and it’s the largest financial market globally as it is open 5 days a week. It offers high liquidity for traders to trade freely with proper leverage. However, it’s also highly volatile and requires a strong understanding of economic factors.
On the other hand, commodity trading focuses on raw materials like trading oil and gold. It also can be volatile as traders would need to have knowledge of the supply and demand of the instrument traded globally. Also, other factors play a role such as geopolitical stands. Commodity trading in Lebanon can act as a safety net during the uncertainty of the economic situation as it will be a leverage to most traders to hold value and also make profits. Although it maybe less volatile than the currency market however the prices swing a lot faster making it just as volatile in a way or another.
Which is Right for You?
In Lebanon as mentioned the portfolio is also recommended to be diversified. It is ideal for Lebanese traders to trade both. If traders had to choose either or, currencies choices would have to be fast paced. On the other hand, if the trader is more interested in tangible assets and more safety net for the economic situation being dull they would trade gold and oil – while monitoring the geopolitical situations across the globe specially in countries that are oil rich bases.
Both markets give the Lebanese trader opportunity to make profit, whether they trade currencies or commodities, at XGLOBAL our mt5 platform will allow traders to successfully follow their trading journey. Traders as beginners can also try a demo account first on mt5 as the link of download to mt5 is available directly on our website.