Leverage trading is the use of a smaller amount of the capital funds invested in the market to gain exposure to larger trade positions in an underlying asset or financial instrument.
As a trader with XGLOBAL, you are looking to make a profit on the difference between the bid price and the ask price hence the open and the close of your trade. Leverage allows you to use a smaller amount of your capital fund that you invested to gain exposure to larger trade positions while trading the instruments.
When you open a live account with XGLOBAL, for every trade you place on the meta trader 5 application with leverage, you are able to gain increased exposure to an underlying asset or financial instrument that is of interest to you. To simplify, leverage effectively amplifies the amount of money you are putting down to trade with.
Open an account with us at XGLOBAL and let us guide you on what would be the best leverage for you to trade on.